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Problems in this world that everyone should participate in (I guess XD)

It's been a long time ever since I posted here, sorry for that.... Anyways, who likes some pie? :3 Well, I just wanna share something, but I bet nobody will read this :((( I went to divisoria just this afternoon and I really feel so awkward today, maybe because I felt afraid of Chinese people selling there on DV mall... that I almost tell my Mom that she should not kinda "disagree" with the price of the Chinese's goods.... Oh and some Chinese people look mad on Filipinos makes me melt....brrrrrrrrr......well, you see, Chinese and Filipinos are currently in the "cold" war state because of some little breeding centers in the middle of their territories that both of them claims. But why is so? They're not the only ones, there is still Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan (?!?) and Borneo claiming the islets.... why  did China and Philippines are the only one cold to each other (plus, in the Philippines, there is NO SNOW, and is always HOT). And the series goes with part two, the refuse of bananas, the protests, the interNet wars, etc. How childish fights....

anyways, there's nothing to blame I guess.... I think the enemy here is nothing but the evil satan that screws the problem bigger by planting anger to our hearts.... I hate it...speaking of satan, I heard that Lady Gaga was a messanger of that homosexual devil named satan....

Er...some of the religious groups here are anti-Lady Gaga and they keep on saying that Lady Gaga is bad. Well, everybody knows that but who cares? They're just destroying the dream of a wild-child girl like her from being famous... and even if she's a satanist, so what? What matters is you know to yourself that you are a Christian and you don't have to care of what will happen to you because God loves you and He don't care if you're life is like a drama series or just random wildness... plus, no Christian cares about the way of satanists because we are worshiping God and we're not supposed to be involved on their works. What we need to do is not to say that they're bad and they deserve to die but instead, encourage them to go back to God and ask for forgiveness and help them to be saved. They're not the enemy here, they're the victims.

So please pray for the sake of the friendship and peace of the two countries (China and Philippines) and for Lady Gaga to be Christian again (if she's not)....


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