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Showing posts from January, 2012

Losing hope....and gaining it back

Dear all people who helped me so much in my dA account Thank You so much for helping me out! Now I realized that God loves us so much! Thanks for the real miracles of life that you showed me ^^ For sure, I'll be better for tomorrow! I will promise to love my friends, family (especially my siblings) and myself more :)) A message for Lord Jesus Christ... Thank you so much for the love and for making me alive. I'm sorry if I am so demanding and I don't go to church sometimes. Please forgive me for all my sins, for what I did to my siblings at times that I get mad on them, for not looking in the good side of my classmates, for being too selfish sometimes, and for being the bad me. Please forgive me for all of my sins. For people out there who are having the same problems like mine where you almost commit suicide by almost jumping from a building, a staircase, and even in the driveway, please always remember, Jesus loves you. God is love and love is all what we need

Feeling like a star

Hey everyone! I decided to showcase myself for YUI fandom...  Currently playing "It's a happy line" HAahahah! One CRAZY ROCK CHICK! I SeeU... I look scary.... My sister photographed all of these! That's all, Thank You!! ~

UTAU Audition!

Making my UTAUloid UFI I needvoic donors!!! XD M friend, Dianne might not help me anymore!!!! Here's her image!!! She's my ongoing UTAUloid.... She needs another voicebank..... Please audition by sending a note in my deviantart account... Thank You! The credits are at the side of the boxart. Anyways, the info is here

Made it!!!! YAAAY!

Finally, uploaded my first Denmark X Norway in dA! It's just so cute! Here's the image! Click here for the dA link!!!! The costume is a traditional clothes of the Philippines -  the barong tagalog. It looks cute ^///^ ...and I edited the bg to make it cuter \(^0^)/ those cute brushes are from Coby17 !!! or simply, Brenda!!!  The original image is here: drawn in half a piece of bond paper..... After all, I finished it in about 3 hours!!!! (the bgs are about 15 minutes each) My mom haven't bought me a tablet yet, so I'm coloring by sensorpad TT^TT ~adyu <3
Hey Guys!!!! Official AKNJM! Blog is finally open! Click here !! It's a webcomic that I made for my fellow filipinos!!!! Have fun!!!! also,it's in my dA account!!!