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Showing posts from September, 2011

MMD Lat Nyotalia WIPS

Hey Everyone!!!! This is My first time using a blog! Well, I'm supposed to make a tumblr, but my brother would find out that it was me... So anyway, shall we start? FIRST THING!!!! So have you guessed whom she is? Well, she's FemAmerica!!!! Here's a link from my deviantArt account: Well, she's actually version 1.5 because the original one (which I call "version 0.99" is in below): Well, the first jacket has minor problems but both jackets are from MMDFakewings18. Here's her dA account: . She's the MMD god, anyway and she supplies all things related in making a model.... And so, here's a full view of her:  Link for credits and sorta stuffs: She looks lovely, isn't she? Anyway, shes still has fur problems and I'll finish her as soon as possible... By the way, did I mention she has a